Paint compassion GREET THE HEAD SPLIT BPS South Kalimantan Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balangan Regency

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Paint compassion GREET THE HEAD SPLIT BPS South Kalimantan Province

Paint compassion GREET THE HEAD SPLIT BPS South Kalimantan Province

September 13, 2013 | Other Activities

Separation is not the end of the meeting. But in every meeting there must be separation. Similarly, experienced Iskandar Zulkarnain, SE, M.Si even 2 (two) years from September 2011 - August 2013 served as Head of BPS South Kalimantan Province, is now entering a period of preparation for retirement (MPP)

and replaced by Dyan Pramod Effendi, SE. ME who previously served as the Head of Public Relations of the Republic of Indonesia BPS.

The event is packed with quite modest, in Barito Aria Hotel Banjarmasin, (9/9) 2013 was attended by the South Kalimantan Province BPS, BPS district / city and mothers Dharma Wanita Persatuan BPS and BPS South Kalimantan regency / city, able to make the atmosphere of emotion when separated welcome progress. Seen as giving a memento in the form of gifts and activities during duty hardcover album and video playback Iskandar Zulkarnain flashback during his service. Followed by submission of the memory positions of Chairman and Chief BPS South Kalimantan Dharma Wanita Persatuan BPS South Kalimantan to Dyan Pramod Effendi.

Compassion was not only felt by Iskandar Zulkarnain, but as the head of the DWP Ny.Karyana IZ BPS South Kalimantan also feel like the Iskandar Zulkarnain. Difficult to say with words. Although two years have passed both love and grief when he is Head of BPS South Kalimantan and South Kalimantan Province BPS chairman DWP. Our family and can only express our gratitude and highest appreciation for their support and cooperation during this time, so we can perform the task well and smoothly to enter a period of preparation for retirement (MPP), as well as an apology for any shortcomings, mistakes and errors either officially or in relation to daily life, said Iskandar Zulkarnain.

Similarly delivered Dyan Pramod Effendi, that what has been pioneered and championed Iskandar Zulkarnain during his service will be continued and further enhanced. Dyan future expectations, wants to realize a compact and harmonious relationship and maintain harmony in the ranks of BPS South Kalimantan Province. Minimal can maintain and continue what has been done earlier BPS Head South Kalimantan Province. More difficult to maintain because of the reach, if we do not cooperate in the achievement and when we are together and help each other, then we can make it happen, especially to realize quality statistics.

§ Photos & Narration by "my
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