SOCIO-ECONOMIC SURVEY OF NATIONAL [SUSENAS MARCH 2015] - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balangan Regency

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March 1, 2015 | BPS Activities

One survey conducted by BPS regularly every year is the National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS). Through susenas collected data related to the socio-economic conditions of the community include health conditions, education, fertility, family planning, housing, and other social and economic conditions. Data and indicators of susenas have been widely used and regarded as one of the crucial evidence that can be useful for planning, monitoring and evaluation of development programs of the government.

As stated in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2010-2014), there is an increasing need for quality data and information to support the planning and formulation of evidence-based policy, not only from the central and local governments, but also from private organizations, academics and institutions research. In line with the basic tasks in conducting BPS statistics aims to provide statistical data are complete, accurate and up to date in order to realize the National Statistics System is reliable, effective and efficient, in order to support national development, BPS is committed to continuing to build its image through quality data services and prime (fast, good, easy, and inexpensive) to the user data.

Susenas was first held in 1963, with a focus on data collection consumption / expenditure of households. From time to time the material scope susenas increasingly numerous and varied that requires setting cycle (period) time data collection. With an increasingly important role as a source of data socio-economic and welfare of the people, then in 1992 BPS doing susenas material development as well structuring pendataannya time.

Because the material is extensive coverage, it apart as one of the important data source for planning and evaluation of National Development Program (Propenas) and sectoral programs (Ministry / Agency), susenas also be the main data source for the provision of the indicators of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

New susenas development results implemented in 2015 on the basis that 2015 was the first year of the reign of the new cabinet, as well as the expiry of the MDGs, namely Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Implementation susenas March 2015 covering 300,000 households (ruta / RT) samples spread over 34 provinces and 511 districts / cities in Indonesia.

Statistics generated from susenas 2015 include statistics / indicators of people's welfare, consumption patterns, and spending ruta.

1. Statistics / Indicators of Social Welfare (Welfare)

Statistics / Welfare Indicators that can be compiled from data collected include enrollment rates, average length of school, literacy rates (education), morbidity (health), the average age of first marriage and enrollment KB ( field of fertility), the average area per capita residential homes and the percentage of use of water (in housing), the data of women and men, and others.

2. Consumption and Expenditure

Statistics / indicators that can be compiled from the collection of consumption data include average expenditure population broken down by type of food and non-food, the average consumption of the population broken down by type of food, the average consumption of calories and protein, numbers gini ratio, and number / percentage of poor people.

Illustration benefits Susenas data, including:

1. Data on the presence of school-age children can be the basis for calculating the needs of the school.
2. Data difficulties where treatment can be the basis for additional health facilities.
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