Whistleblowing System BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balangan Regency

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Whistleblowing System BPS

Whistleblowing System BPS

July 8, 2019 | Other Activities

Slogans against corruption in government agencies, not unless BPS, is not only limited to the sentence calls for the rejection of corruption. Now, BPS has provided Whistleblowing System, a container to accommodate the report indicated the presence of an act of infringement that occurred in BPS, both at the Centre and in the region.

Complaint is the delivery of information by the complainant to the BPS of abuse of authority, violation of laws and regulations, or violations of the code of ethics and code of conduct committed by officials in the Central Bureau of Statistics.

Your complaint we will follow if it contains the evidence is clear and accompanied by the correct identity. As a reporter, do not be worried, the reporting of identity will be kept confidential. As for the focus of attention is the material that is reported.

Complaints source can be derived from the public, government / state agencies, employees of BPS and official reports (central and local).

The material Complaints may be reported to the Whistleblowing System include:

1. Violation of the code of ethics
2. Abuse of authority or office
3. Violation of oath of office
4. Violations of the rules of discipline of civil servants
5. Violation of criminal law
6. Mal Administration
7. Public services are unsatisfactory (can harm the interested parties and the general public).

Rights rapporteur, Party and Examiner

1. Rights Rapporteur
a. Protection of anonymity
b. Testify freely without coercion
c. Getting information reporting stages registered complaints
d. Equal treatment and equal to the defendant in the examination
2. Right Reported
a. Can present witnesses and other evidence to prove that he is innocent
b. Ask dossier (BAP) himself
3. Right Inspection
a. Concealing the conclusions and results of recommendations Audit Reports
b. Determine the period of time sufficient to handle a complaint

Rapporteurs have access to adequate information on the indication and have evidence of the abusive behavior. Rapporteur could provide an identity that can be contacted to do a re-confirmation and further action. The anonymity of the complainant will be guaranteed in accordance Rapporteur Protection Principles. Protection is not provided to the complainant who are convicted of false reporting and / or slander, and can even be penalized in accordance with prevailing. Reports received will be kept confidential and will be followed up.

Complaints may be reported include information:

1. The involvement of BPS employees or other persons in connection with offenses committed by employees of BPS
2. Explain who, did what, when, where, why, and how.
3. Proof of starters (data, documents, images, and recordings) that support / explain the violations
4. The sources of information are more in-depth

Principles of handling complaints will be investigated the suitability of objectivity, relevance, coordination, efficiency and effectiveness, accountability, transparency, and the principle of presumption of innocence

Scope of Complaint

The scope of the complaint is a complaint directed against penyelenggaraa ministry, coaching and administrative and financial management and ethics officials in organizational units within BPS.

Source: community.bps.go.id
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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