In the Month in February 2013, Farmers Exchange Value (NTP) South Kalimantan recorded 106.83, up 0.35 per cent in January 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balangan Regency

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In the Month in February 2013, Farmers Exchange Value (NTP) South Kalimantan recorded 106.83, up 0.35 per cent in January 2013

Release Date : March 1, 2013
File Size :  MB


In the Month in February 2013, Farmers Exchange Value (NTP) South Kalimantan recorded 106.83, up 0.35 per cent in January 2013 compared to NTP to reach 106.45. The increase is due to NTP index of prices received by farmers (It) has increased by 0.72 percent, while the index of prices paid by farmers (Ib) increased by only 0.36 percent.
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