Room Occupancy Rate ( TPK) star in South Kalimantan in March 2014 is 46.99 percent , up 1.59 points compared month of February 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Balangan Regency

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Room Occupancy Rate ( TPK) star in South Kalimantan in March 2014 is 46.99 percent , up 1.59 points compared month of February 2014

Release Date : May 2, 2014
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Room Occupancy Rate ( TPK) star in South Kalimantan in March 2014 is 46.99 percent , up 1.59 points compared month of February 2014 which only reached 45.40 percent , and as compared to March 2013, which reached 51.08 percent , a decline of 4.09 points TPK .


TPK non-star hotel in March 2014 to reach 37.42 percent , up 3.00 points compared to ROR in February 2014 which only reached 34.42 percent , but down 2.21 points over the month of March 2013 which reached 39.63 percent .


Average length of stay ( RTLM ) foreign and domestic ( domestic ) in the month of March 2014 five-star hotels was 1.62 nights , up 0.01 nights compared to the state in February 2014 reached 1.61 nights . Compared to the same period of the previous year ie March 2013 to reach 1.65 during the night there is a decrease of 0.03 nights .


Average length of stay ( RTLM ) foreign and domestic ( domestic ) non-star on the month in March 2014 was 1.49 nights , up 0.04 compared to a state dinner in February 2014 only reached 1.45 nights . Compared to the same period the previous year ( March 2013 ), which reached 1.62 nights , a decrease of 0.13 during the night .
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