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Meeting of Regional Economic Analysis of Kalimantan

Meeting of Regional Economic Analysis of Kalimantan

September 2, 2013 | Other Activities

Economic Analysis of a Regional Meeting in 2013 held at Borneo Banjarmasin South Kalimantan Province . Located at the hotel Mercure Banjarmasin , 21 to 22 August 2013. The implementation of this event is the result of cooperation of regional development agency ( BAPPEDA ) South Kalimantan and Central Bureau of Statistics South Kalimantan Province .

With the theme of " Realizing Economic Sector Shifting Role for Regional Development Continuity " . Meeting of Regional Economic Analysis of Kalimantan in 2013 was officially opened by South Kalimantan Provincial Secretary HM Arsadi representing the Governor of South Kalimantan . In this event also berhadir the number one BPS RI Dr.Suryamin , Kecuk Suhariyanto Deputy Balance and Statistical Analysis BPS RI as a resource person and his entourage , the provincial head of BPS , BPS Chief district / city , provincial Head of Planning , Head of Planning districts / cities in Kalimantan and relevant agencies .


In a speech read by the Governor of South Kalimantan HM Arsadi , South Kalimantan Provincial Secretary that on behalf of the Government of South Kalimantan Province welcomes and hopes to be a good host , for the implementation of Regional Analysis Meeting of Borneo in 2013 in Banjarmasin , South Kalimantan . Meeting and hope this analysis reap fruitful results , for the economic development of the region even more advanced Kalimantan .

Further Arsadi convey , Borneo Island is unique from other islands in Indonesia , ranging from the unique flora and fauna , the island with the three countries , to unique art and culture is growing and developing in society and many other uniqueness that can not be mentioned one by one .

According Arsadi , Borneo island which we live are the lungs of the world , which has a diverse economic potential , such as mineral mining , mineral and gas , agricultural land and extensive plantation , fishery , animal husbandry , forestry and other potentials .

Therefore , we need to improve cooperation and coordination to further optimize the utilization of its abundant potential Kalimantan , both for industrial development , energy , food , and other investments , thus appearing and growing economic sectors is further improved , and hoped that the meeting this analysis , issues , challenges , barriers and opportunities Kalimantan regional economic sector can be managed as well as possible . Thus giving importance to economic growth in the region of Borneo , the economic growth that can provide prosperity and well-being of society , and resulted in the formulation is essential for Development Planning in each province .

According to the Head of BPS RI Suryamin in his speech , that the theme of this event is appropriate , because the Indonesian economy , the island of Borneo play an important role . Groups in the island province contributed 8.73 percent of total Indonesian GDP in the second quarter of 2013 .

This achievement is the contribution to the three highest under the island of Java and Sumatra, which reaches 82.05 percent . In aggregate according Suryamin , development gains are implemented in Kalimantan in the second quarter 2013 showed a very encouraging development . All regions experienced positive economic growth , with a growth rate year-on - year ( yoy ) ranged from 1.12 percent to 7.51 percent . While the overall economic growth of the province on Borneo island group amounted to 3.18 percent .

In general, the achievement of development on the island of Kalimantan province indicates movement toward the better , especially for the South Kalimantan Province . This progress is characterized by a relatively stable economic growth , inflation, controlled , open unemployment rate decrease ( TPT ) and lower levels of poverty .

That success is the hard work of all components , including government , business, and society . Therefore meeting this analysis is appropriate to be used as a discussion . A vehicle to look for tips or proven strategies to strengthen and enhance regional economic potential Kalimantan and as a forum for the formulation and delivery and strategic measures in order to strengthen the power of brilliant economic fundamentals Kalimantan and utilize all the benefits of a competitive and comparative to achieve economic growth more quality , Suryamin said .
Photos and narration by ' My
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